Read what Dr. Jamie W. Odom D.M.D. has to say about Spinal Decompression« Back to Testimonials
My initial back injury dates back to my childhood and over the years I have experienced varying degrees of soreness and discomfort. Previously, rest was all I needed to recuperate.
Four months ago the pain came back. However, unlike previous episodes this pain would not go away. I became concerned that my back would inhibit my ability to work and take away my quality of life.
My fears became reality, so I sought the services of a medical doctor. After weeks of physical therapy, corticosteroids, and rest I still showed no signs of improvement. Facing the possibility of back surgery, I looked for alternative treatment and so I consulted with you.
At first I was a bit skeptical after not improving through the first week of treatment but then, I started to notice a change. Today I am scheduled for my twentieth treatment and I can honestly say my back feels better than it ever had. Angie, I am truly grateful for the service you and your staff have provided for me in the rehabilitation of my back.
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